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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda, Fraternity Inc. was established in 1982 by 13 men on a mission to combat inequities in their environment. The huge educational gap that existed within the Latino community was a primary concern.  As Cornell undergraduate students, the founding fathers overcame the shortcomings of their communities to gain entry to a top ranking university. Along their journey they observed the difficulties fellow classmates endured as they pursued success in higher education. It is from this experience La Unidad Latina   developed is academic ambitions.

In today’s society education allows us to reach the next level, builds our careers, and get us the best jobs.  Our academics is what helps us understand the world better and teaches us to stand up to all the challenges that life throws at us. The quality of our academics helps shape our overall personality, way of thinking, and our attitude towards life. As a result, we will forever be students as each day something new and exciting is learned.

Education is an important principle to La Unidad Latina, because its’ goal is and will forever be to unite and advance minorities to excel pass their comfort zone. Education was, is, and continues to be the most important principle to our Founding Fathers mission.


As a Latino-based Fraternity, we pride ourselves in knowing that our membership is comprised of Hermanos from various backgrounds. The diversity amongst our ranks has allowed us to build a solid foundation on which to base our current and future goals for our organization. Furthermore, we believe that the rich cultures that fall under the unifying term “Latino” should be expressed and experienced by all. Thus, our Hermanos are encouraged to organize local and large events that highlight different aspects of their cultures.

Our membership is comprised of Hermanos who can trace their roots to all countries and cultures throughout Latin America in addition to Hermanos who are of multiple ethnicities. By exploring and becoming more familiar with the different aspects of our cultures that unify us, we aim to uplift Latino communities and bring Latino issues to the forefront of local, social, educational, and political debates. In addition, our Fraternity places a significant emphasis on the Indigenous roots that most Latinos can identify with. We believe it is important to note the struggles that our parents, grandparents, and ancestors overcame—whether it be in Latin America or in the U.S. through recent Latino-based movements in order to analyze the progress we have made as a group of people and aim for further success in the future.

By cultivating our Hermanos with knowledge on the complexity and multifaceted nature of Latinos, they become versatile leaders who graduate and work with organizations and universities that align with our goals of ensuring that Latinos can obtain access to higher education and fulfilling careers.


La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated was established in 1982 at Cornell University in an attempt to provide a formal structure for the positive presence of underrepresented groups at institutions of higher learning across the nation through brotherhood. La Fraternidad, or brotherhood, functions socially in a unique and positive manner, providing an atmosphere in which each Hermano can develop himself academically and professionally, in turn sharing his experiences in order to propagate knowledge. Most importantly, in creating a deep sense of familia that permeates all that we do, every Hermano has a place where he can truly be respected and supported. In doing so, La Unidad Latina redefines the concept of brotherhood.

Our motto captures the essence of our Hermandad; “La Unidad Para Siempre” refers to our commitment to this fraternity, its Hermanos, and indissoluble union. Our involvement with the fraternity does not end at graduation. It is a lifelong commitment that continues well past attaining a degree. Alumni of Lambda Upsilon Lambda continuously give back, each in their own way; this is done by serving as mentors to younger brothers and as professional contacts to those Hermanos who are preparing to enter the work force. The men who join our fraternity join more than an organization; they join an unbreakable brotherhood for life.

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated holds brotherhood as paramount in the execution of its mission to uplift the underrepresented in our community. The communal efforts of all Hermanos together vastly multiplies any singular achievement of one brother alone making the lifelong bonds of brotherhood we foster as an organization indispensable to our mission.


La Unidad Latina understands that as educated Latino scholars and professionals all Hermanos have the capacity and responsibility to give back to our communities. Therefore, serving the Latino community in order to overcome its challenges and actualize its potential is one of the fundamental objectives of La Unidad Latina.

Given the many diverse areas of need within the Latino community La Unidad Latina must focus its community service efforts and volunteer work toward certain priorities that align with our mission as an organization. These priorities are as follows:

1. Increasing the number of Latinos in Higher Education including students, administrators and professors

2. Advancing the achievement of Latinos in professional careers

3. Empowering the Latino community in the political, economic and social spheres

4. Uniting a region of the Fraternity and the Latino community around a particular issue or effort of value

Our P.A.T.H.E. (Providing Access To Higher Education) initiative is a college focused initiative that is tailored to support Middle School/High school students in their quest to graduate from a four year college. Our program will support local schools and organizations by mentoring future scholars, facilitating college/university tours, providing P.A.T.H.E. initiative workshops and advocating for the improvement of our educational system. Hermanos participating in the P.A.T.H.E. will play a key role by providing scholars with the social, educational and emotional support needed to reach these goals.

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